Only those fully engaged in a sport find interest in observing players compete through strategic game plans. To attract a larger audience and increase participation, the focus is shifting towards crafting Wow moments.
Creating a team centered around generating these remarkable moments involves any player initiating a move and any player completing a move, in any order or combination, emphasizing connection and flow.
To make this approach successful, players need to establish a few simple prearranged micro-routines to prompt each other to act, and players act without knowing what will happen.
When there is a fear of failure, players tend to be overly hesitant and act only when certain of success. Without established micro-routines for players to trigger each other to act everyone hesitates and with time running out they all act at the same time. To address this, a coach should avoid reverting to strategic game plans, alleviate the fear of failure, and provide players with three micro-routines to prompt each other to act.